welcome to the dev log!

finishing up the current draft of the UI and starting on building the daycare!

Should the stories feature stay?

i’ve never posted anything on a story. do you guys think it belongs on the site?

do you want to get email updates?

thanks! i’ll get you an answer as soon as possible!

recent questions:

  • anonymous kiddo asked:
    When will you make a scrolly recent questions thing if possible or a “go to your asked questions” button?
    • Marsh Melman replied:
      the answrred questions navigate by page because if i made it scrolling this site would be 70 meters long and you’d have to go to the center of the earth to get to the coloring game ;; that said i might add an email field so that i can shoot an email to people when their question gets a response! oh and i wonder how hard a search feature would be for people to search through em. maybe i can like add a link to an archive of them at a separate page? much to consider.
  • anonymous kiddo asked:
    what is the daycare going to be like? I’m very curious lel
    • Marsh Melman replied:
      welp, that’s what i’m figuring out a little bit at a time now! my current vision is something like an activity center for littles to find tutorials and guided activities to do so that we can have stuff to do while regressed other than just watch cartoons or play with stuffies (not that there’s anything wrong with that! sometimes ya just want something More). maybe imagine something like wikihow but with more social media and e-learning elements added…? if that makes any sense. i’m always open to more suggestions though!